Wednesday 23 September 2009

Hilary is two thirds of the way to snapping.

You know what i'm over? I'm over this year. Too much work. Too much that I have to do. Too much I should have done already. I'm sick of being sick. I'm sick of wanting things I don't have, but most of all, I'm just sick of everything being so hard.

If one more person uses the phrase "welcome to the real world", I will not be a happy little vegemite.

I need a teaching job for next year, but how am I meant to spend the time I need to apply for it when I have so much bloody work to do? This is meant to be the holidays. Instead of having fun, i'm doing stupid assignments at uni.

I hate this.

let's go and vent it all by throwing eggs at passing cars.

we can go make out with our respective others behind the local cinema

or play LAN games on the college network and yell at each other between buildings

we can listen to angsty music at the top volume our little student-affordable speakers can allow

and fall asleep with the door open
and sounds like you are more than two thirds...
I snapped completely last week, so you are not alone in this my dear, and I got there first. Wasn't pretty, believe me. I hope you don't get that last third of the way there!

When you think about it this isn't the real world, this is university which is often HARDER than the real world, because there is so much work that you have to do outside class time.

When you are part of the real world, you can go home after you finish your day's work, watch 6 hours of TV and not feel guilty because time could have been better spent by doing homework, where as now, any second that I do something for me, I feel guilty because I should have been doing one of the many things that have their due dates wooshing closer every second...

Sure, being a teacher means you have homework to grade, but still you will have time to have a life in between everything else too, time to do the things that keep you from snapping! I can't wait, because I miss the happy version of me, the one who enjoys life and has time to go see friends.

When do you finish honey, cos we are celebrating finishing post-grad by doing something.
Rob... love your post. Hurry back to Oz, k?

And shell, it's in like... 6/7 weeks...
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