Friday 14 May 2010

I'm getting over teaching

I don't think I am meant to be here. I'm sitting at my desk, thinking about the future, getting worried. Does worrying ever end? I heard a cover of the song 'Pursuit of Happiness' this morning on the way to work and couldn't help but this making me happy? How does a person get content with everything? I think I may have taken the road more travelled. Now I have to go back. This is going to take a while, isn't it?

Now, the Beatles 'Help' is coming to mind. Not in a relationship sense. In a I need a guru or a mentor or something. Maybe a counsellor to peer into my cobwebbed head and say "you need a spring cleaning, young lady."

I have so many responsible lady outfits now...and none of the seem to fit right.

that's a real shame based on the way you were talking about it at the beginning of the year. :(
Yeah, I might have changed my mind.

I'm not sure. We'll have to see.

I've had an offer for next semester... so like I said...
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